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At the beginning of every year, many of my students tell me that they "hate" reading because it is "boring." My response to them is...they're not reading the right book.


When you read the right book, it transports you to another place. You can explore another world, become another person. You can experience so many situations and adventures without having to go anywhere or do anything.


My goal throughout the year is find THE book that proves to each student that reading is not boring!

Like anything, the only way to become a better reader, is to practice. The more you read, the easier it becomes!

Like it says at the top of this page, my students are expected to read every night. They should have their book with them all the never know when you will find time to read!


Reading homework each week is to read for at least one hour. Students will set a reading rate to calculate approximately how many pages they should be completing during this time period.

My students have access to books from the school library as well as my classroom library. As a teacher, I don't believe that it is my place to censor any students' reading. They are free to check-out and borrow any books available. However, as a parent, it is your right to determine what your child can or cannot read.


If your student comes home with a book that you believe is inappropriate, simply have them return the book and check out a new one!


Read  every  day.

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